
Purchases are shipped from our warehouse. Please allow following number of days from receipt of your order. All local orders, which we received before 7:00 PM are processed at next day morning.
Shipping charges
We offer free shipping on all orders above $50. For all orders below $50, we charge an additional delivery charge of just $2.99. *(Please note, the shipping charges are subject to change without prior notice.)
How can I track my order?
To track your order, you could mail us your order no. and registered email ID on using which you placed your order or call us on (+61) 411-843-110. We will check and revert to you on your order status. Please note we are available Mon-Sun from 8am to 7pm.


Effective Date: 01-08-2023

At The Vegi Box, we value your satisfaction and aim to provide you with the freshest and highest-quality vegetables/fruits. We understand that there may be occasions when you need to cancel your vegetables/fruits order. This cancellation policy outlines the terms and conditions governing cancellations of vegetables/fruits orders placed through our website.

Cancellation Window:

You have a cancellation window of two (2) hours from the time of placing your vegetables/fruits order to request a cancellation.

Cancellation Procedure:

To cancel your vegetables/fruits order within the specified cancellation window, you could mail us your order no. and registered email ID on using which you placed your order or call us on (+61) 411-843-110


If you cancel your vegetables/fruits order within the designated cancellation window, you will receive a full refund to the original payment method used for the order.

Refunds will be processed promptly, but please allow a reasonable processing time, which may vary depending on your payment provider.


Orders that have already been dispatched for delivery or picked up cannot be canceled.

Some items, such as custom or specialty vegetables/fruits products, may be non-refundable or subject to different cancellation terms. Any such exceptions will be clearly communicated during the ordering process.

Changes to this Policy:

The Vegi Box reserves the right to update or modify this cancellation policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. We encourage you to review this policy periodically for any updates.

By placing an order for vegetables/fruits through our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to our cancellation policy.